Rogue Cards

Rogue Cards IPA v1.0.252 For iPhone iOS

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App Name Rogue Cards
Latest Version v1.0.252
Genre Card
Developer Ivan Khokhlenkov
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Rogue Cards – a mix of puzzle, card game and classic bagel. Each move in the game creates a unique situation, a small puzzle, and solving a series of such puzzles causes a sense of pride in the decisions made.

In Rogue Cards (Dungeon Cards), the hero’s card moves across a field of 9 cards. To make a move, you need to select an adjacent card that interacts with the hero’s card and disappears. Cards with monsters and traps reduce the hero’s health, cards with treatment… they treat him, cards with loot give gold, cards with a chupacabra… let’s not talk about sad things.

“Roguelike” means that the game is based on the classic rogue-like formula: it is a turn-based game about exploring a randomly generated dungeon with monsters, traps and treasures. The hero in the bagels dies and is reborn, each time starting the passage from the beginning and each time moving a little further thanks to the accumulated experience and loot.

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